Your appointment is set for later in the afternoon, so you wonder if you should shower before you go in. Here is the deal, you don;t need to worry about taking a shower. However, if you are the type who sweats, you can certainly use a washcloth and run it under your arms. But if you don’t stink, don’t worry about it.
Worried about the fact you have hairy legs? Well, your massage therapist really doesn’t care. Massage therapists see dozens of people almost every day, and it is highly likely they have given a massage to someone with legs even hairier than yours. In addition, it might have been a female. So don’t get hung up on these types of things. Also, every massage therapist out there has seen weird looking body parts, like strange toes for example. So if you think you have weird looking toes, your therapist won’t care.
You might want to remove any jewelry that might get in the way. While earrings are usually fine, necklaces can become a burden and should be removed before you have your massage.
If you are nervous before your appointment, that is quite normal. By the time your therapist begins the massage, you will feel quite relaxed.
Do you treat yourself to regular massages? We think far too many people in San Jose view massage therapy a simply a luxury as opposed to a wellness plan. Those who understand the benefits of massage therapy are quick to admit they would rather spend the money on a massage than knick-knacks that clutter their home. And for good reason as there are vital reasons you should get a massage on a regular basis.
It is widely accepted that several types of diseases and the complications they bring with them are initiated by stress. It would then make complete sense to do what you can to relieve the stress you suffer. Massage therapy has been proven to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine while lowering cortisone levels, thus helping to relieve the stress you suffer on a daily basis.
The number one cause of disabilities in the United States is lower back pain. As we write this, an estimated 31 million Americans are suffering from lower back pain. If you are part of that figure, know that massage therapy can help alleviate that lower back pain.
Sitting at your desk all day long is killing you. Well, perhaps, but all that sitting you do at the office and in your car during those traffic-filled commutes is taking a toll on your back, neck and shoulders. You might notice that your shoulders are pulled forward and your back is stretched out and weak. Massage therapy is an excellent way to keep these postural deviations in check.
San Jose sports massage therapy should play a critical role in the life of any man or woman whether they have suffered an injury or not. Sports massage holds a number of benefits that are both physical and physiological.
Massage therapy can help you maintain a body that is in better condition, prevents injuries and prevents loss of mobility. Boost your performance through sports massage therapy.
The stroking movements you receive during a massage sucks fluid through blood and lymph vessels. Tight or damaged muscles squeeze blood out of these places, depriving your tissue the vital nutrients it needs to repair itself. The vacuum creating by massage therapy pumps the needed blood to these key points.
Massage therapy causes the pores in tissue membranes to open and allow fluids and nutrients in. This helps in the removal of waste and encourages muscles to take up oxygen making recovery much quicker.
Massage stretches tissues in ways that you cannot do alone. Your muscles are stretched and tensions and pressure that have built up are released.Scar tissue from previous injuries can affect tendons, muscles and ligaments.
Scar tissue from injuries that occurred in the past can affect tendons, muscles and ligaments, potentially leading to inflexible tissues that are more prone to injury and continuing pain.
In addition to leaving you more relaxed, massage therapy also reduces your levels of anxiety. Also, massage therapy leaves you invigorated and ready to tackle the rest of the day.
If this sounds pleasing to you, then pick up that phone and schedule an appointment today! We are waiting.
You are sitting there on your laptop, tablet or with your smartphone clicking through all the pages of our website and thinking about how wonderful it would be if you were to get a deep tissue massage from your San Jose massage therapist. But yet, you are still here reading this instead of on the phone making that appointment. Is there a good reason for that? Don’t for a second think that deep tissue massage, or any type of massage for that matter, is strictly for the wealthy or otherwise well off population. You have every right to receive a massage and you are worth it!
But, if you are having a hard time making that call, then go ahead and read on.
One of the best reasons to get a massage is in its ability to reduce stress. Getting a deep tissue massage can help lower the stress hormone cortisol and increase the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which are the hormones responsible for your good moods.
Need another reason to get that massage? Well, a massage will strengthen your immune system. Studies have shown that regular massages give a boost to your immune system and helps you stay healthy.
If you are tired of those everyday aches and pains, getting a massage will help ease them. Indeed, massage therapy is great for those who suffer chronic pain and will help those with arthritis increase their range of motion.
After getting a massage, you will likely sleep better and wake up in the morning more refreshed.
So let’s put the laptop or tablet down and pick up the phone and give us a call.
Imagine your life having to live with chronic pain. Every single day you wake up in pain and much of the time you don’t get enough sleep knowing your day will involve pain. And then, the depression and anxiety and other emotional responses to chronic pain kick in. But there is good news for those suffering from chronic pain. There is research that shows massage therapy in San Jose can be an excellent tool in pain management and pain relief. Here is what has been discovered concerning massage therapy and chronic pain.
It seems that those who receive massage therapy for chronic pain become more aware of their bodies as well as the pain they experience. A massage therapist does more than just provide relief from pain, but also provides a positive impact by virtue of human touch. Massage therapy makes you feel comfortable in your body. The comfort level provided by massage therapy improves confidence in those who suffer chronic pain and helps them deal with it better.
The effectiveness of massage therapy lies in the simple notion to discover the root cause of the chronic pain. Massage therapists utilize an approach where they focus on the entire body system in its relationship to soft tissue. So the care of those who suffer chronic pain isn’t just at the site of pain.
Research continues in the positive effects massage therapy has on those who suffer chronic pain. But enough research exists to encourage those suffering chronic pain to try massage therapy.
To learn more about the other benefits massage therapy can offer you, give us a call.
We often think about getting a massage because we feel we deserve to be pampered. We view massage therapy as a luxury that makes us feel spoiled. The truth is, there are far better reasons to get a deep tissue massage from your Los Altos massage therapist. In fact, you may very well be surprised at the benefits you will enjoy when you engage in massage therapy.
It is well known that receiving a massage is very relaxing, even to the point you may actually doze off. But that massage is doing more than just putting you in a relaxed state, it is helping you better cope with the stresses of your daily lives. Stress is directly related to a variety of conditions and health issues in our lives, from headaches to cancer, stress causes us a ton of grief. Managing your stress through massage therapy means you are helping to prevent physical problems in your body. When you suffer stress, and we all do, your body releases hormones that help react to the situation, but this fight or flight reaction can become prolonged and makes it difficult to relax. A massage releases endorphins, like dopamine and serotonin, which tell your body to settle down and make you feel better. Beat stress through massage therapy.
The prescription painkillers you are taking for your back pain or other chronic conditions, they are responsible for more deaths each year in the United States than cocaine and heroin combined. That right there is a pretty scary statistic. Further research shows that for every death from a prescription pain medication there are 10 people who seek treatment for abuse, over 800 people who are taking pain meds for non-medical use and 130 people who are dependent on painkillers. Now, massage therapy may not be the miracle cure for your pain, but it is a legitimate and proven way to help manage chronic pain.
Massage therapy can also be used to improve your mental well-being. Psychological health issues like depression and anxiety can be directly related to cortisol levels. There are several studies that suggest massage helps combat depression because, in addition to reducing cortisol levels, neurotransmitters are increased. In many ways, psychological problems often manifest themselves in physical ways, like when you droop your shoulders or slump over when you are depressed. Massage helps correct this structural collapse that occurs when you are feeling down.
Want a better way to stay awake throughout the day than multiple cups of coffee? Massage can be an amazing and rejuvenating pick-me-up. Receiving a massage will improve your circulation and increase the levels of oxygen in your blood, making it easier for nutrients to travel to the places they need to go.
Receiving regular massages can boost your immune system. As mentioned above, better circulation is the best way to remove harmful bacteria from the body and reduce waste buildup. Massage stimulates circulation and helps keep the processes in your body in good working order.
And to think these are just a few benefits you enjoy when you get a massage.
Massage therapy for residents of Los Altos is more than just relaxing “me” time. Studies continue to prove the physical and emotional benefits that sports massage, deep tissue massage and prenatal massage provide. Here is a short list of the benefits you can expect from massage therapy, you will be pleasantly surprised we are sure.
A healthy lifestyle starts and ends with eliminating as much stress as possible. Now, you can’t simply stop doing the things that stress you out, we all have to make a living after all, but massage is the ideal way to get that much-needed stress relief. Even a single massage can significantly lower your heart rate and insulin levels, which will do wonders in reducing stress.
You may suffer from any number of bad habits and poor posture might be one of them. Massage therapy helps reinforce natural and healthy movements, which will help you to get your posture back on track.
Improved circulation means improved body function and there are few better ways to improve circulation than through massage therapy. So if you want to get that blood to flow, schedule an appointment.
As we age, our joints tighten and our range of motion becomes more restricted. Receiving regular massages will help keep your joints more fluid, leaving you less vulnerable to injury because you are more flexible.
Studies have shown that massage therapy can naturally strengthen your immune system. So avoid sick days by regularly visiting your massage therapist in Los Altos.
Now that you are aware of the benefits of massage therapy, we hope to see you soon.
Let that sink in for a minute…….
It’s great that most people are now trying to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise several days a week. But if you’re on your butt for many hours at work or at home, all that exercise won’t do you any good if you’re not active for the rest of the day.
What can you do about being more active during the workday?
For every hour you sit, set aside 2 to 5 minutes to stand up or move.
Examples of what you can do in those 2 to 5 minutes:
Simply stand up (make your phone calls or do emails on your portable devices while standing)
Do jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges/squats, or burpees.
Pace at or around your desk
Walk down the hall, get a 12 oz drink of water and go to the restroom. I guarantee you will have to go to the restroom again in 55 minutes. Repeat several times a day and you will also get your needed amount of water per day.
Stretch! Do some yoga poses.
If you have an office to yourself, put headphones on and dance!!!
Be Creative!!! Just as long as you’re moving 2 to 5 minutes every hour.